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Recommendations for a European electrification plan

Recommendations for a European electrification plan

Image credit: bp

Recommendations for the proposed electrification plan to support industrial decarbonisation in Europe have been put forward by the Electrification Alliance.

The electrification plan, set out as one of the duties of the EC’s energy commissioner designate Dan Jørgensen, is planned to ensure that Europe’s industrial transition towards net zero is powered by an energy system with homegrown clean energy, with an end to energy imports from Russia.

Drawing on the commitment of EC president Ursula von der Leyen to launch a ‘clean industrial deal’ within the first 100 days of her mandate and the role of electrification in powering the plan, the Electrification Alliance is urging the Commission to similarly prioritise the publication of an electrification plan within the first 100 days.

The Alliance, comprised of European industry organisations, has previously called for setting a target of at least 35% electrification of final energy use across the EU by 2030, while the Commission itself expects this share to reach at least 50% by 2040.

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Currently some sectors are more electrified than others but all have work to do on the journey to reach net zero emissions by 2050, the Alliance states.

For example, in 2021 services was at around 46%, industry 33%, households 25% and transport less than 2%, according to Eurostat data cited.

Building on this target the Alliance has set out over 30 recommended actions in three priority areas.

Priority 1 is setting the course for a resilient and climate neutral Europe, including making electrification a priority and setting targets at the national levels.

Priority 2 is clean electricity generation and infrastructure, which requires making the grids and flexibility fit for smart electrification and net zero, boosting clean electricity generation and net zero technologies and applying an ‘electrification test’ to funding and financing instruments.

Priority 3 is enabling direct and smart electrification for end-users, including electrifying buildings, transport and industry and addressing the worker and skills shortages.

“Let’s move electrification to the fast track!” urges the Alliance.

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