Process industries

Electric boiler, with steam outputs from 600kg/h to 8400kg/h 

Industrial process heating equipment and solutions specialist Babcock Wanson has launched the LV-Pack low-voltage industrial electric boiler, with steam outputs from 600kg/h to 8400kg/h and a design pressure of up to 18barg.

Specifically designed to provide maximum efficiency – over 99%, as all incoming electrical energy is converted into thermal energy – with zero CO2 and NOx emissions, the LV-Pack has been introduced to help meet European requirements for energy optimisation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Being electric with no emissions also makes for easy installation and commissioning as there is no requirement for chimneys, fuel supply networks or storage tanks. In addition, periodic monitoring of atmospheric emissions is not required. The boiler is delivered to site and, once connected to the electricity, the feed water and the steam network, is ready to operate.

The LV-Pack low-voltage industrial electric boiler is also easy and economical to use.  The control and instrumentation allow for Babcock Wanson’s boiler operating modes to be used which provide integrated monitoring and regulation of all the equipment in the boiler house, as well as providing real-time monitoring and data logging.  These modes include BW3DAYS with tests every three days and BW7DAYS which tests every seven days. LV-Pack boilers are also fitted with the Navinergy monitoring interface, which enables both on-site and remote monitoring of operating parameters.

A further important feature of the new LV-Pack boiler is its precise pressure control with multiple power stages which it to react quickly to load changes. This makes it possible to make quick starts to absorb available grid power when needed.

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