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Europe’s TSOs set out legislative priorities for next five years

Europe’s TSOs set out legislative priorities for next five years

Damian Cortinas. Image: ENTSO-E

ENTSO-E has identified nine priorities to address both the immediate challenges and long-term goals in Europe’s energy transition for the 2025-2029 legislative cycle.

Pointing to the major revision of the EU legislative framework to align with the region’s climate and energy objectives during the past mandate, ENTSO-E suggests that the next European Commission and co-legislators should focus on the efficient implementation and simplification of the recently decided measures.

In particular they are urged to ensure a legislative framework that “consistently and comprehensively” considers the twofold role of TSOs that were identified in the ENTSO-E’s strategic framework, i.e. developing a power system fit for a carbon-neutral Europe while at the same time managing a secure and efficient power system for the region.

Preparing the future encompasses securing the timely development of electricity grids, deploying the adequacy and flexibility means needed for security of supply and by continuing the evolution of the market and investments in innovation.

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At the same time managing the present necessitates enabling the implementation and simplification of the legislative framework, assessing the impact on electricity grid development and system security of all new energy, industry and environmental legislation and by ensuring all actors of the power system contribute to its security and stability.

Damian Cortinas, RTE’s director for ENTSO-E Affairs and chair of the ENTSO-E board, says that as the organisation looks to the next five years, its vision is clear.

“We want a carbon-neutral, resilient and efficient power system for Europe, contributing to the security and competitiveness of the European economy. ENTSO-E encourages decision-makers to support timely grid development, ensure system flexibility and drive market innovations.

“Together, we can power Europe’s green and competitive future, delivering a decarbonised electricity system, a clean economy for the benefit of all citizens and industries.”

Preparing the future

ENTSO-E states in the priorities document that a legislative framework that prepares the future and contributes to building a power system fit for a carbon neutral Europe must enable connecting the increasing renewable generation both offshore and onshore to the consumption centres.

Adequacy and flexibility needs must be identified and appropriate measures taken and the transformation towards a market design for a carbon neutral Europe must be finalised.

Recommended actions are:
● A secure adequate supply chain and skilled workforce
● Deliver EU funding and make best use of it
● Ensure appropriate regulatory framework for grid investments onshore and offshore
● Keep energy efficiency and electricity at the centre of infrastructure planning
● Reinforce the framework to identify adequacy and flexibility needs, and ensure appropriate measures are taken to fill the gaps.
● Implement the market design reform and finalise the evolution towards a market design fit for a carbon neutral Europe.

Managing the present

The legislative framework to support a secure and efficient power system for the whole of Europe also must be maintained.

Recommended actions are:
● Consider the grid in all new energy, industry and environment legislation
● Enable the implementation of agreed upon measures
● Support for the continued resilience and security of the system.

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