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Poland’s Enea to test and train on new network automation and control algorithms

Poland’s Enea to test and train on new network automation and control algorithms

Image courtesy Enea

Polish grid operator Enea has announced a two-prong network project: first, to test automatic control of transformers and special control algorithms to improve operations; second, to train staff in their competencies to use these improved technologies.

According to Enea in a release, the full name of the project is ‘Cyber-physical system using modified Automatic Voltage Regulation (ARN) systems of HV/MV transformers and innovative control algorithms based on machine learning to increase the absorption of energy introduced into the LV network by PROsumers (ARN-Pro)’.

The project consists of two modules: the R&D module to develop and test the tech, and the Competencies module, to train staff in its use.

The company says they will be testing the innovative solution in the area of the Gorzów Wielkopolski Distribution Branch, to improve network operation where the largest source of renewable generation is located.

Commenting in a release was Bogumiła Strzelecka, vice-president of Enea Operator for Network Infrastructure: “The methods developed […] are to improve voltage parameters, enabling the introduction of energy produced by prosumers into the low-voltage grid during the sunniest days and in areas where the share of prosumer generation is significant.”

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The project includes, firstly, the analysis of the possibilities of using ARN automation of high-voltage to medium-voltage (HV/MV) transformers to regulate voltage in selected points of the low-voltage network.

Secondly, the use of machine learning methods and predictive methods based on measurement data.

The R&D module will also include detailed technical and economic analyses of the pilot cyber-physical system, which in turn will be used as a basis for developing technical models for implementing ARN control algorithms in the company’s network.

The second module includes training on the effects of the implemented research and development project for Enea Operator employees from all areas of the company’s operations.

Said Strzelecka: “Developing innovative solutions and implementing them requires continuous improvement of staff competencies.

“Therefore, as part of the implementation of this project, the company has planned training to deepen the knowledge of our specialists.”

Implementation of the project is possible thanks to funding from the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR).

Specifically, as part of the FENG.01.01-IP.01-002/23 recruitment conducted by NCBiR, as many as 365 applications were submitted, of which 73 will receive support for a total amount of PLN761,018,389.67 (€177.8 million; $198,8 million).

According to Enea, the cost of the project’s implementation is approximately PLN2.6 million (approximately €607,000; $680,000) including funding from the NCBiR in the amount of over PLN880,000 (€205,586; $229,869).

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