Energy and powerPower transmission

Big decarbonisation opportunities for grid operators

Frederic Godemel, Executive Vice President of Power Systems and Services at Schneider Electric, highlights the top innovative decarbonisation solutions to make the grid smarter and better.

The biggest opportunities for grid operators to decarbonise refers to the various ways to reduce carbon emissions and move towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system.

This may involve investing in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, implementing energy storage solutions, improving energy efficiency and promoting electric vehicles.

“The biggest opportunity for grid operators to decarbonise is a higher dose of digital into the entire grid so that they can better monitor, better act and send their team at the right moment to the right place avoiding useless trips or useless use of their teams so that they can transform all their operations to do what they have to do for the future which is to multiply by two the output of their network”, says Godemel.

Watch the full video interview with Frederic Godemel below.

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This interview was filmed in November 2023 at Enlit Europe in Paris, France.

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