
WinGD collaborates with KSS Line for ammonia-fueled gas carriers

Swiss marine developer WinGD has signed a memorandum of understanding with KSS Line to explore X-DF-A engines for future new-build projects, as well as exploring other efficiency improvements.

The companies will focus on 52cm- and 62cm-bore versions of the dual-fuel ammonia engines, suitable for midsize and very large gas carriers (VLGC). The scope of the cooperation will extend beyond engine technology, however, also focusing on the performance and maintenance solutions necessary for using alternative fuel. The partners will explore the deployment of WinGD’s Integrated Digital Expert (WiDE), enabling fuel efficiency fine tuning and live support from engine experts.

The agreement also includes a commitment from WinGD to deliver crew training for new engines. In June, the company agreed to develop and support the implementation of a training syllabus for AET Tankers and maritime academy Akademi Laut Malaysia.

“Ammonia as fuel is an interesting prospect for gas carrier vessels that already carry ammonia as cargo,” said Volkmar Galke, director, sales, at WinGD. “The combination of our rigorously tested new engine design, training support and real-time optimization via WiDE will mean that KSS Line can be confident that early experience with ammonia-fueled vessels will be translated into safe and reliable operation in the long-term.”

“KSS Line aims to decarbonize its fleet rapidly and has already made significant investments in smart ships, LPG-fueled and methanol-fueled technology,” added Chando Park, CEO of KSS Line. “Exploring ammonia as a fuel is the next step. The project with WinGD gives us the technical support we will need to successfully apply this new fuel type to our forthcoming new-builds.”

The X-DF-A engine, like its methanol-fueled counterpart X-DF-M, will operate on a high-pressure diesel-cycle combustion process, with liquid ammonia fuel injection supported with a low portion of pilot fuel.