Energy and powerNews

Finland’s Caruna pilots smart grid technologies

Finnish energy company Caruna has launched smart grid pilots on the loading of conductors and fault location, isolation and service restoration (FLISR).

The line loading pilot is focussed on the installation of sensors on several sections of Caruna Espoo’s 110kV HV distribution network in order to determine if the load can be increased from the current level.

Data from the sensors is combined with weather data to determine the actual load capacity of the wires.

“This is now a concrete action to make the electricity network in Espoo smarter,” says Project Manager Ossi Juujärvi.

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“With the energy transition, we aim to develop our networks so that we can support, for example, the electrification of district heat production.”

Traditionally, the load on a line is defined and fixed for summer and winter conditions, without taking full account of changing weather conditions such as the wind speeds and directions and ambient temperatures, which may be particularly impactful.

Caruna has forecast that with increased electrification and the transition to carbon neutrality Espoo’s peak output will increase by more than 50% by 2040, which will require significant investments and actions to increase the network capacity.

The FLISR pilot, which launched in the Spring, is being implemented in 12 substations in 12 different municipalities in Caruna’s distribution area.

The aim of the smart grid pilot, which runs to the end of 2023, is to investigate if the system can locate and distinguish faults automatically and restore electricity to customers outside the fault, thereby reducing both the lengths and impacts of any outages.

The substations are in the municipalities of Kristinestad, Taivalkoski, Nagu, Kuusamo, Närpes, Salo, Plough, Tuusula, Vihti, Vehmaa, Lohja and Raseborg.

Caruna anticipates expanding the project in stages, eventually with the technology across its entire distribution area.