Offshore engineeringProcess industries

Thousands set to attend All-Energy & Dcarbonise 2023

Published:  10 May, 2023

All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, and the co-located Dcarbonise 2023, opens on 10 May at Glasgow’s SEC with great expectations.

“I am thrilled to report that visitor registrations are currently tracking well above recent editions, so we are expecting a packed event,” says Jonathan Heastie, Portfolio Director, Energy & Marine portfolio, RX Global (who own and organise the two-day event) in a ‘welcome letter’ to exhibitors. “Last year we had total attendance of 7,642 – we expect to be able to announce after this year’s even that the 2022 total was very comfortably exceeded.

“Many years ago (this is the 22nd anniversary year for All-Energy) someone described it as the AGM of the renewables industry. The interest in this year’s event is further evidence of that! All-Energy has spent two decades helping the UK to decarbonise its power supply; Dcarbonise (celebrating its third edition) has been introduced to ensure that private and public sector energy end-users gain the same access to advice and technology to assist them in their plans to decarbonise their buildings, businesses, and transportation.

“Today is the final build-up day and the exhibition halls are filling up with of amazing hardware brought to the show by 250+ exhibitors from 15 countries. Orbital Marine Power’s tidal turbine blade is certainly one of the largest exhibits. It is close to our Hydrogen Technology Showcase area where PlusZero has two hydrogen powered gensets as well as their hydrofoil racer; and FCSL (a sister company of Hydrasun) will have their HyTruck refuelling vehicle; and there are large hydrogen powered vehicles …. I could go on and on, for all around the exhibition there are superb bits of kit being set-up to reflect all elements of the sectors we serve.

“Our world class conference gets off to a flying start tomorrow with a keynote address by the new First Minister of Scotland, the Rt Hon Humza Yousaf MSP, and four of his Ministers – will be speaking over the course of the two days – Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Transport; Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Net Zero Buildings, Gillian Martin MSP, Minister for Energy, and Lorna Slater MSP, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity and a veritable “who’s who” of experts from industry and academia join them in 11 conference halls and eight show floor theatres..

“In all we have close to 600 speakers talking about every form of renewable energy and all the essential elements from concept to production and then delivery of vital net zero energy which enforces our energy security plans as a nation. In Dcarbonise the decarbonisation of heat, transport (HGVs come under the spotlight in a discussion to be chaired by Scotland’s Transport Minister), the built environment, cities/places, industry and the supply chain will be enlightening. Green jobs, skills and training figure highly thanks to dedicated conference sessions and the Future Talent Zone with its theatre and exhibitors.

“There is so much to see, so much to listen to, you need to be there to benefit from what we put together for two enlightening days! We look forward to welcoming you, you can still register online at; or on arrival!”

All elements of All-Energy (the exhibition, the conference and the Giant Networking Evening kindly sponsored by Siemens Energy and incorporating the Civic Reception) are free to attend for all with relevant business, academic, government or media interest in the topics that come under the conference spotlight or feature in the exhibition. This year’s exhibition has at least 80 new organisations exhibiting at the for the first time and ‘returners’ include pavilions from Italy, Flanders, and Denmark.

The Rt Hon Humza Yousaf, First Minister of Scotland who will speak at All-Energy and Dcarbonise 2023