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Small flexibility aggregation demonstrated on Equigy blockchain platform

European flexibility service provider Flexcity is using the Equigy crowd balancing platform to deliver secondary reserve (aFRR) services to TenneT in the Netherlands.

In addition, Flexcity, a subsidiary of Veolia, has the opportunity to offer new services to its partners while strengthening its participation in the balance of the network.

Together with the team of Equigy, Flexcity was able to rapidly and successfully prequalify for the aFRR services of Dutch TSO TenneT and integrate this into its flex portfolio.

Equigy, a joint venture between TenneT and other European TSOs, enables the integration of small, decentralised units through its crowd balancing platform and connection to TenneT’s aFRR process.

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The platform is intended to set a new European standard for smaller aggregated flexibility to participate in different TSO markets, thereby enabling the partner TSOs to work together to promote and improve the market for renewable energy.

“There is a big and growing potential of small aggregated flexibility for balancing the grid. In order to effectively unlock that potential, we believe that aggregators should be connected fast and easy,” says Martin van ‘t Verlaat, Equigy Chief Technology Officer.

“The Flexcity and Equigy teams did a great job together to achieve this in a record-breaking time.”

FLEXCITY reports that several of its flexibility partners will participate in this new service.

Jeroen Schut, Netherlands Country Director, says a big portfolio is created and ready to go live.

“For our partners, this market enlargement also represents a new opportunity to enhance the value of their installations and thus reduce their energy costs.”

This balancing process should further encourage the integration of renewable energies into the network’s electricity supply by compensating for their intermittent nature.

In addition to TenneT in the Netherlands the other TSO partners in Equigy are TenneT in Germany, Terna, Swissgrid, APG and TransnetBW,