
All-electric flow wrapper enables 37% energy saving

By replacing energy-intensive pneumatic applications with highly efficient linear actuators on the new Delta WW OF-HSX, IMA ILAPAK’s engineers have succeeded in designing a flow wrapper that uses, on average, 37% less power than a conventional machine. Users of this revolutionary full-electric flow wrapping platform can expect a return on their investment within 18 months (at today’s prices) through energy savings and improved performance.

On the new Delta WW OF-HSX, the most energy-intensive pneumatically driven functions – pressing, gusseting and cutting – are electrically driven. This has eliminated the use of compressed air from these applications, resulting in a massive 94.5% reduction in the amount of energy required for air usage. As an example, on a 170ppm line operating two shifts per day for 300 days a year, the Delta WW OF-HSX consumes just 1500kWh compared with 27,400kWh for a conventional flow wrapper to perform these applications.

Non-energy intensive functions remain pneumatically actuated, as the cost of replacing the pneumatic cylinders with electric components would not be justified by the minimal energy savings accrued. To this end, the Delta WW OF-HSX has a small onboard high-efficiency compressor, eliminating the need for an external compressed air source.