
How to Use Storage Containers as Educational Spaces in Schools #Engineering #StorageContainers #MultipleUses

Storage containers have multiple uses. Not only do they transport everyday essentials around the world, but storage containers can also be converted into homes and offices. To go one step further and utilise all of the space in schools, professionals within the education system can introduce storage container solutions in the classroom and playground.

Here are some of the ways that storage containers can be used to further education.


First and foremost, storage containers can be converted into classrooms. They might have a steel exterior, but professionals can transform the interior to contain every comfort expected in a classroom, from electricity to running water and heating on a crisp afternoon.

Storage container classrooms can be placed outside in the school grounds, creating more space for children to get together and learn. This might help with growing class sizes in England. In January 2022, 494,675 primary school aged-children were taught in classes of 31 children or more, a 2.6% increase from the previous year.

In addition to the retirement and retention of teachers, these growing class sizes can be accredited on a lack of funding for schools. Shipping container hire can be an affordable alternative to traditional education rooms.


Storage container classrooms are flexible. They are stationed outside of the main school building, presenting the perfect opportunity to create an eco-classroom. These are immersed in the grounds of your school and allow children to learn more about nature.

A typical day in an eco-classroom might involve anything from growing seasonal fruits and vegetables, learning about local ecosystems and taking part in educational scavenger hunts. This is a great way to bring variety into nursery, primary, and secondary timetables.

Outdoor education is beneficial to children of all ages and abilities. This educational approach can be particularly advantageous for younger students who’re spending time away from adults and developing important social skills in turn.

Bird hideaways

Storage containers can also be made into bird hideaways. Just as eco-classrooms allow children to learn about nature, bird hideaways are great for children wanting to learn more about birds. The steel coatings can even be camouflaged with leaves and bushes.

Bird watching might not be a conventional school activity – but it could be. Research shows that it can help children with their concentration levels. In fact, one study found that bird watching decreased confusion, fatigue, and tension in high school students.

Swimming pools

It’s no secret that swimming is beneficial for the physical health of children. This activity is also great for maintaining and improving students’ mental health, releasing serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins after swimming a few laps around the pool.

Despite many benefits, some schools might not have the space or funds to build their own swimming pool. This is where storage containers can become an unlikely solution, providing children with an outdoor swimming pool to exercise in.

Storage solutions

Last and certainly not least, storage containers can always be used for their original purpose. They can store spare educational equipment, from soft balls to jungle gyms, when schools don’t want to sacrifice fun for space.

These are some of the ways storage containers can be used as educational spaces in schools. They can be a short-term and flexible solution to expanding and improving the current curriculum, especially if schools are struggling with funding opportunities to build new amenities. So what is there to lose?