Energy and powerPower transmission

Webinar Recording: Next-Generation technologies for sustainable energy islands

60-minute session

In this second episode of Sustainable Energy Islands, the focus shifts to next-generation innovative energy technologies that aim to support the energy transition on islands.

Across the EU there are more than 2,200 inhabited islands, and despite often having potential access to plentiful renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind, or wave, many still depend on either costly diesel imports or interconnection to the mainland or a neighbouring larger island for their energy supply.

Watch Part 1: Sustainable Energy Islands in Action

With energy security being top of everyone’s mind at the moment, plus the genuine drive to transition Europe’s energy systems to a low-carbon, sustainable model, a growing number of islands in the region are investigating innovative ways of reducing energy costs, increasing renewable energy production, building energy storage and demand response systems and ultimately ensuring energy self-sufficiency.

We will explore next-generation microgrids, the development of tidal energy and airborne wind energy or kite power, hydrogen concepts for islands, and effective network communications.

Nigel Blackaby, Content Director | Enlit Europe


Ian Heath, Vice President, EMEA | Trilliant Networks Operations
Charlie van Dijl, Investment Advisor | Energy Investment Management
Karin Bilo, Ecologist | SeaQurrent
Joep Breuer, CTO | Kitepower