
Critical Manufacturing Training and Professional Certification Ensures MES Excellence

Following the overwhelming demand for advanced training and certification, Critical Manufacturing has released its 2022 Manufacturing Execution System (MES) training and certification dates for its partners. This program has proven to be a valuable tool for all stakeholders and ensures customers receive high-quality implementation of the Critical Manufacturing MES, regardless of the partner they choose or the industry they are in.

Miguel Carvalho, Critical Manufacturing Certification Manager, said, “We have spent two years creating, perfecting and implementing our training and certification program. It provides the comprehensive depth and reach partners require through theoretical and practical exposure to our MES product, implementation philosophy and execution, ensuring partners will be successful in project implementation and management.”

The Critical Manufacturing MES is a flexible, feature-rich, modular solution based on Industry 4.0 technology. It delivers increased efficiency and business agility and facilitates innovation in complex manufacturing scenarios. Core market areas include medical devices, semiconductors, electronics, and discrete product manufacturing. 

The Critical Manufacturing certification process covers three paths: Modeler, Developer and Administrator. After successful completion of the highest certification level of the selected path, partners can go on to be certified as a ‘Solution Architect.’ The program ensures Critical Manufacturing partners have both the prerequisite training and ‘real life’ project experience with Critical Manufacturing’s MES. Once a partner successfully passes through training, they enter a three- to four-month project shadowing exercise, where they work on live projects in a supervised mode in the role they have chosen.

As testimony to the program’s success, Critical Manufacturing has seen a 30% increase in the number of registrants per partner over the three years it has offered the training. 

Carvalho continues, “The process is challenging and can take nearly six months for full certification, but partners see it as a real value-add investment.”

Feedback from the certification reflects its quality. Those that have attended comment on the quality of the training and trainers, who are engineers and project managers with several years of experience with Critical Manufacturing MES, as well as the value of the practical stage as a “great ramp-up”.

“The flipped classroom model makes sure that we remember everything we need. A long and hard training, but it’s definitely worth it,” said Gergoe Pajor, developer at Glaub Automation & Engineering GmbH, who completed the training and is about to start the shadowing stage of Critical Manufacturing MES certification.

Gordon Wong, from SYSTEMA, Singapore, is attending the 2022 certification and said that the well-prepared training environment based on a virtual machine allowed a quick, easy start into a structured sequence of different training phases.

For further information on Critical Manufacturing’s training opportunities, please visit https://www.criticalmanufacturing.com/company/partners/partner-professional-certification/