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Enel X partners on demand response pilot to remedy real-time energy needs

Enel X has announced a collaboration with the Ontario system operator and Energy Board on a pilot project to aggregate battery storage and demand response loads. The hope is to meet real-time energy needs within Ontario’s growing energy market.

The project comes as Enel X was awarded a $3.3 million CAD investment through Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO’s) Grid Innovation Fund (GIF). This was allocated alongside regulatory support from Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB’s) Innovation Sandbox.

The project will aggregate up to 76.7MW energy load across 14 sites at 11 businesses, which have behind-the-meter battery storage and demand response capabilities.

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“Large energy users in Ontario continue to make significant commitments to reducing emissions, recognizing emissions reductions not only as an opportunity to make operations more sustainable but an opportunity to manage their energy costs,” commented Surya Panditi, Head of Enel X North America, in a statement.

“It’s critical that we continue to unlock these businesses’ energy resources to reduce demand on the grid, lower energy costs, improve sustainability, and deliver economic value.”

Over the next two years, the pilot will demonstrate the advantages of aggregating distributed energy resources (DERs) of various sizes.

Aggregation benefits

The project aims to illustrate how such aggregation can provide significant energy load reduction, serve as a firm and reliable resource to the grid and enhance Ontario’s electricity system.

Lesley Gallinger, IESO president and CEO, related the announcement to Ontario’s growing electricity demand, stating how it “is forecast to grow at a rate not seen in many years, with an average of about 1.7% each year over the next decade in part due to growth in the industrial sectors.

“With this investment through the IESO Grid Innovation Fund, Enel X will help these businesses better participate in the electricity sector, securing a new revenue stream while contributing to a reliable, sustainable, and affordable electricity system in Ontario.”

Enel X has participated in the Ontario markets since the inception of demand response programs, with around 150MW of managed commercial and industrial capacity.

The company is also expanding its smart electric vehicle charging business, with recent partnerships announced with Toronto-based fleet management company Element, and Killam, one of Canada’s largest residential landlords.