50Hertz and TenneT launch Green Grid Compass for electricity bidding data

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German transmission system operators 50Hertz and TenneT have launched their Green Grid Compass, providing data on CO₂ intensity and on the share of renewable energy in individual European electricity bidding zones.
Launched together with German research institute FfE (For-schungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e. V.), the digital tool is accessible online and is based on the already existing tools eCO₂grid from 50Hertz and the CO₂ Monitor by TenneT, which were harmonised through joint development.
The methodology, tested by TÜV SÜD, aims to create transparency and offer users past, real-time and day-ahead information on greenhouse gases.
In addition to historical and real-time data, forecasts are also available for the Germany-Luxembourg and Belgium bidding zones. This complies with the EU requirements outlined in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III), which mandates transmission system operators to provide hourly data on CO₂ intensity and the share of renewable energy.
Furthermore, the tool provides an answer to the increasing sustainability requirements and helps companies to efficiently organise their contribution to net zero.

According to the 50Hertz in a release, the compass offers two key applications.
First, the enablement of smart energy management. The compass allows companies and consumers alike to synchronise their electricity consumptions, such as the smart charging of electric vehicles or the planning of high energy-consuming processes, with times when the share of renewables is high, allowing them to cut back their CO2 emissions.
Secondly, the compass assists with sustainability reporting, offering the necessary data basis for transparent and comprehensive reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
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To further promote application possibilities, 50Hertz and TenneT, together with FfE, have initiated an implementation network.
This network connects companies from the energy sector and other industries with academic and political stakeholders. The goal is to facilitate exchange through regular workshops and to test use cases in real-world applications.
Companies Bayernwerk, Mercedes-Benz, clever-PV, Covestro, Edenberg, EWE Hydrogen, STROMDAO, LichtBlick, UnternehmerTUM, VK Energie, OLI and E.ON are part of the implementation network and will test different use cases in the coming months.
Other partners are free to join the network.
The Green Grid Compass can be integrated into companies’ and consumers’ own projects and systems via an application programming interface or API, available online.